Productive Time With Next Gen Leaders

Dear Friends and Family,

This was another really good day. I met with a group of Next-Gen leaders, some of whom were pastors. My goal was to introduce them to apologetics and to show them that it is an emphasis that a/the church should embrace in light of how many leave the church when they get older and out on their own (thinking of the US, mainly). So, hour one was an introduction to apologetics. The reasons the church should incorporate apologetics training are: It is a biblical mandate, It strengthens our faith, It is part of evangelism, The culture demands it, and The church needs it.
Hour two was the Bible’s Authority in Apologetics. Then after lunch, Reasons to Believe Christianity is the One True Religion. This comes down to what Paul wrote in 1 Cor 15. If Christ was not raised from the dead then our faith is in vain. So, this becomes the test as to whether or not Christianity is true.
The group was engaged and asked some good questions. One asked, why do we need to contend for the faith and then say the Word of God does not need to be defended, it just needs to be used? A missionary who was there asked a frequently asked question when it comes to apologetics. “If the gospel is the power of God leading to salvation, then what is the purpose of apologetics? Just preach the gospel.”
One of the participants came up to me afterwards and said he had others talk about apologetics and they were “all over the place,” but that I was easy to follow and understand, and it was very well organized.
I received this later in email.
Greetings Mr. Steve!
I’m so much grateful for the experience I encountered during your few hours session in apologetics. My spirit has been awaken as to the needs of this profound knowledge of apologetics for all the body of Christ. I am so much interested to be part of this journey as it is very crucial in the Christian journey. Hope to see you again in your next trip to Uganda.
Ambrose Ojok Omara.
Tomorrow, Thursday, I will meet up with a couple of leaders of Apologetics Uganda, the group I spoke to on Monday. They want to video record a 30 minute interview with me talking about worldviews. Here are the questions they sent over in advance.
1. What distinguishes the Christian worldview from other belief systems?
2. How does the Christian worldview address the question of human purpose and significance?
3. Can you explain the Christian perspective on forgiveness and redemption?
4. How does the concept of love manifest within the Christian worldview?
5. In what ways does the Christian worldview influence personal morality and societal values?
After that, I will speak to a group of students from Kampala International University. The three topics I have picked out are: Worldview Matters (comparing worldviews), Why Understanding God’s Story (Creation, Fall, Redemption, New Creation) Helps Answer Life’s Hard Questions, and Reasons to Believe God Exists, and if time permits, Reasons to Believe Christianity is the One True Religion.
It is an honor and privilege to be asked to address the younger generation, the next generation of leaders here in Africa.
Thanks for praying. Pray again for clear communication and ready, responsive, hearts. I am not sure all of the audience will be Christians tomorrow. Pray that if nonbelievers are in the audience, they will be drawn closer to the truth.
I added some pictures from today.  HERE IS THE LINK TO THE PHOTO ALBUM
By His grace,
ITEM Next Gen Ministry



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