Dear ITEM Next Gen Partners,
I’m spending my last day and night in Nairobi on this trip. Tomorrow I have an early flight to Lagos, Nigeria where the forecast is in the 90s and counting humidity, it feels like the low 100s. I am not looking forward to that.
The organizer, Ebenezer Afolabi, has had medical issues, that are still not resolved, while trying to put together my itinerary. The dates of a conference I was originally scheduled to speak at were changed and Ebenezer has been trying to find other opportunities. This is what he has lined up.
My week ahead looks something like this:
· Tuesday, arrive 11:30am and speak Tuesday night on the topic of “Effective Evangelism.”
· Wednesday evening a repeat of Tuesday evening but with a different group. Both are Bible Study groups.
· Thursday is an off day, for now.
· Friday is a meeting with university students who are Christians. I plan on speaking on worldview and the impact culture has on it.
· Saturday morning a conference on Apologetics and the Nigerian Church. My topic is “The Problem of Evil (if there is a good, all powerful God then why evil?)
· Saturday afternoon, I will be speaking to certificate level seminary students on the same evangelism topic as Tuesday and Wednesday.
· Sunday, I leave for home on a redeye out of Lagos through Amsterdam to Portland. Arriving Monday.
Continue to pray for my health, safety, rest, clarity while speaking on complicated issues. Pray for attendees for understanding.
I’ve uploaded a few more pictures that might interest you. A couple of monkeys (literally) came into my room through an open window when I was in the bathroom and got away with an ice cream wrapper. They scurried out through the window when I exited the bathroom. One, the bigger of the two, tried to come back. I tried to scare him (?) away and he (she?) showed me his (her?) teeth and I decided not to call it’s bluff and quickly pulled the window shut.
HERE IS THE LINK to the picture album.
By His grace,
ITEM Next Gen Ministry