Dear ITEM Partners,
Although I have been doing apologetics training for the last couple of years, in a sense, this trip is the official launch of ITEM’s Next Gen Ministry.
A 2021 study determined that about 60% of Africa’s population is under 25 years old. And a 2023 study revealed that the median age in Africa is 18.8. From this age group will come the next generation of church leadership. And this is the focus of ITEM’s Next Gen Ministry, which I have started. And I have never been more excited about personal ministry since I started ITEM in 2003.
The goals of the Next Gen Ministry are to, first, establish a rock-solid biblical, Christian worldview foundation for this next generation. Then equip them to answer questions asked of them about Christianity, God, the Bible, Jesus, the resurrection, the gospel to name a few. We customarily call this “apologetics,” or being ready to make a defense (1 Pet 3:15).
I have already started building a foundation in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and Nigeria. Beginning January 10, I will be back in Kenya and Rwanda, and will be in Zimbabwe for the first time introducing evangelical leaders from Zimbabwe, Malawi, Zambia, South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Angola, Botswana, and Tanzania to our Next Gen Ministry. Only God knows what doors might open because of this conference.
If you are interested in where I will be and when, I have put maps into a new photo album. Here is the link to the album. CLICK HERE
Please pray for safe travels, good health, clear communication, and attentive audiences..
By His grace,
Actual link if needed: