Dear Friends and Family,
As I finish up my first stop in Nairobi it is not so much of ministry I was involved in that I want to focus on but it is the thoughts I’m processing that have to do with the ITEM Next Gen Ministry training and intended outcomes. More on that later. First, the day just completed.
I was asked to preach at the church that hosted the seminar yesterday, which is the same church that hosted me the last time I did a seminar here. Pastor Patrick left it completely up to me. I ended up surveying the entire letter to the Ephesians…. In one sermon. It took an hour but I did it. The length of the sermon is normal for these parts. Hopefully my content had more substance that the average sermon around these parts.
As I continue to think about our Next Gen Ministry, the questions I keep asking myself is “what are our goals?” and “how do we intend to reach them?” These questions are being asked in view of the fact that people (here) want a certificate for attending seminars. So, what will I require to get a certificate?
There is much that can be taught in the area of apologetics but the average church member or youth worker or even the average pastor doesn’t need to know the difference between classical, evidential, and presuppositional apologetics, nor the history.
But topics like “the biblical basis of apologetics,” “the biblical Christian worldview,” “understanding God’s Story,” and “how to effectively use questions when doing apologetics” I believe are all foundational. Then giving topical presentations covering basic and cultural issues. Topics like “evil and suffering,” “reasons to believe God exists,” “reasons to believe Christianity is the one, true religion,” “the biblical view of gender” are all examples.
But it is one thing to sit in a lecture hall and take notes. It is another thing to go out and “do it.” So how do we get them our of the class and into the action.
I am a firm believer in doing apologetics by asking questions. Here is my idea. I am going to put together a simple survey and require each student to interview at least five people and turn in the results. Then the class compares the answers they received and discusses how they would respond and what follow up questions would be appropriate.
Right now, I’m thinking we need a basic seminar with basic foundational presentations, followed by the students interviewing at least five people, the other topical presentations to address how to respond to what the surveys revealed.
I am think about a certificate for attending the Seminar on Practical Apologetics, or something similar.
This is still all in the idea mode but I like the direction it is going.
That’s all for today.
Monday, on to Rwanda, 90 minute flight. Off on Tues. Seminar Wed. Drive to Univ of Rwanda Thurs, on campus ministry Fri and Sat. Back here to Nairobi next Sunday.
Prayer requests: Needed rest, health, wisdom as I put together ITEM”s Next Gen Ministry, AND HERE IS A NEW ONE: Pray that God will raise up someone who will come along side, whom I can train and mentor to do what I am doing when I can no longer do it!
By His grace,
Many new pictures today: CLICK HERE for photo album.
Actual link if necessary