Joyous Reunion and Transit Troubles

Dear Praying Friends,

(Prenote: Kind of long. Sorry. I tried to keep it to essentials.)

Saturday was marked by saying “goodbye” (for now) to the Glasscock and saying “hi” (again) to Julius and Grace Twongyeirwe, and witnessing in person the growing PT (Proclamation Task) Center. I was overwhelmed with what I saw. But I will start with a little more about Friday night.


Friday night was the third successive day of speaking at some apologetics events in a suburb of Kampala (Uganda’s capital) near Kampala International University. Wednesday was for pastors, Thursday was for KIU students, and Friday evening was for members of the host church and any other locals.

As I mentioned Friday, the turnout was not what we had hoped and planned for but God knows. I was asked to speak on the issue of the teachings of African traditional religions (ATR) compared to a biblical Christian Worldview. I pieced together parts of three different presentations and ended up with a new one that will stand alone.

I tried to demonstrate that I was a westerner who has tried to get a good understanding of what ATR teaches and how it affects everyday life of many (most?) church-goers and even pastors, here. My experience includes interviews with African-Christian leaders, former students, ITEM teams, and even a former witchdoctor who had become a follower of Jesus. I also read a book written by a Nigerian with a PhD on the topic.

A couple of points I made that brought questions were: First, we are protected by the power of God and the devil and the demons cannot control us in the way they can control unbelievers. In Eph 6, where Paul addressed the issue of spiritual warfare he said we are to resist and stand firm against the “schemes (tricks)” (not the power) of the devil. Second, spiritual warfare is strictly defensive. We are never instructed to go on the attack against the devil and his demons.


·       One asked about the passage at the end of Matt 18 where Jesus says “what you bind on earth will have been bound in heaven.” I pointed out that the context was church discipline not spiritual warfare and it was a rabbi teaching that they could declare to an unrepentant sinner that their sin was bound to them and heaven agreed.

·       Another asked what the difference was between “tradition” and “culture.” I said “tradition” was a part of “culture.” The host pastor added that culture changes but traditions do not.

·       Another asked, “If we are not to be on the attack, what do we do if someone is demon possessed?” I told him to pray that Jesus would cast out the demon. But then I told him to share the gospel with that person or the demons could return, citing Luke 11:24-26


Up at 6:15 to leave at 7, the Glasscocks and I went to breakfast on the way to Kamapala city. At about 9:30, we said “goodbye,” they headed back towards home on the Uganda, Kenya border, and I said “hi” to long time friends, Julius and Grace Twongyeirwe (Twon-jay-ray).

Julius and I met in the first class I ever taught at the school in Nairobi in January of 1998. We “hit is off” immediately. He was a great great encouragement to me during my first trip. That was the only class he attended at the school as he was sponsored by a missionary who worked with him back in Uganda.

He invited me to Uganda in 1999 to meet with pastors and for several years following I’d venture to Uganda to work with Julius after completing my class in Nairobi.

Later ITEM sponsored him coming to the US to do his Masters work at Western Seminary in Portland. He late came back to get his DMiss at the same school. Over the years he was in our home. I introduced him to members of my family, and took him to a Shepherds’ Conference where John MacArthur is pastor.

About 2006 (we cant remember for sure), he invited me to join a group that drove to an undeveloped hill outside of Kampala. He had been able to purchase the property and he had a vision of one day developing the property and building a training center. And by God’s grace, over time, it started becoming a reality.

He and Grace took me to see the property and I was overwhelmed with what I saw! I guess I haven’t been paying close attention to its development. Please go to the picture album and look around. That land was nothing but grass, trees, bushes, and snakes when we prayed over it years and years ago.

One other thing. Last year, Julius had a major heart issue and had to have major surgery and a pacemaker implanted into his shoulder area. He is slowly recovering, by God’s grace.


My flight back to Nairobi, Kenya was scheduled to leave Uganda at 8:40pm. Julius and Grace got me to the airport very early (4:30pm about). I tried to check in for my 8:40 flight and had to wait until almost 5:30. When I went to check in I was told the flight WAS DELAYED UNTIL 11PM. Argh! I notified my driver in Kenya and went to the lounge.

The board in the lounge did not reflect that delay. When I looked online I could not get any confirmation that it as delayed and in fact, there was an inbound flight from Nairobi that was on time. But I just trusted what I had been told,

At 8:30pm and announcement came over the PA system. “Last call for passenger Van Horn for flight KQ 417 to Nairobi.” I rushed to the desk in the lounge and said “That’s me! I was told it was delayed to 11pm!” The guy up front assured me I would not miss the flight. I rushed back to my chair, grabbed my luggage, and was escorted to the gate. But that was just the beginning.

We headed towards Nairobi with a scheduled “touchdown” at 9:45pm. But a really, REALLY bad storm forced us to circle the airport for awhile waiting for the storm to pass. When it didn’t, we were diverted to Tanzania, maybe 25 minutes away. We landed and were told we would be on the ground just 45 minutes (hopefully) to get refueled, while the storm passes, and then we’d be on our way. Well, it was over two hours on the ground in Tanzania.

Buy the time we reached Nairobi, waited for airport ground crews the prepare a gate, get through immigration, customs, and exit the airport, it was 2:35am. My driver knew very little of the situation. We contacted each other and after leaving for home, he turned around and came back to get me. I got to bed about 3:30am Sunday morning.


I will be at my customary location (Biblica Conference Center and Guest House) until Tuesday morning when I fly to Nigeria for some additional meetings there. I’ll have more to say about the upcoming week tomorrow.

I’m sorry for the length.

Check out the new pics from Saturday. I added several plus a few short videos on the PT Center property. CLICK HERE to be taken there.

Pray for Julius’ continued recovery and the continued development of the PT Center.

By His grace,


Next Gen Ministry



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