It’s All About The Kids

Hi Everyone,


I am at the airport in Bulawayo, checked in, waiting to board in a little over an hour from now. This has been a relaxing day. I was able to stay in my room until 1pm. Jeffrey picked me up about 2:30 and took me around to show me his office, then his family’s school, then his home. It was an enjoyable time learning more about the man and his family. I will make them the focus of this short report.


Jeffrey heads a ministry that trains Sunday School teachers for children and meets with pastors encouraging them to start Sunda School for children. This is a huge need in Africa. With limited resources, they teach the teachers to use what they can find in nature and things that are just laying around to teach the kids. He showed me a curriculum published by New Tribes Missions which is not Ethnos 360. It is a Bible survey from Gensis to Revelation. I made the comment, “The children who go through this will know more than some of their pastors.” And he agreed!


Then he took me to a school that his wife, Juliette, started. Yes, he is often called Romeo by his friends and he says he doesn’t mind. She is a visionary. They only have enough space for 30 kindergarteners but are hoping to expand to first grade next year. They have three teachers for 30 children. They told me the public/government schools have 60 students per teacher. Yikes. Also, the government used to teach the Christian religion. Now they offer a smorgasbord of religions to choose from. And it creates a lot of confusion among the students. They also have beginners French and music courses…. Yes, for kindergartners.


You can tell that they are passionate about teaching, mentoring, and training the younger generations. Check out a few pictures of their work in the photo album.


I sent a copy of a worldview survey that I created to Jeffrey and asked him to distribute it. It will give the students an idea of what others think about the origin of the universe, what it means to be human, where meaning and morality come from, and what happens when we die.


I sent the same survey to the WhatsAapp Rwanda group, where I will be Thursday night through Saturday.

I will stop here. Check out the new pictures. CLICK HERE.


I am told that if you want to comment or send me an email, just hit reply and that should do it.


Pray for the upcoming events in Rwanda. There is a two day seminar, similar to the one we just finished. And I have been invited to speak to a youth camp on Friday evening.


Thanks for your interest!


By His grace,


ITEM Next Gen Ministry



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