Travel Diary 1: God Is In Control

There are times in life when God comes through in remarkable ways that both humble and amaze you. As my team and I made our connection in Washington, D. C. in route to Malawi, where we are conducting our very first ITEM training in Malawi, I was reminded in a fresh way that God is in control.

International travel now requires proof of a negative COVID–19 test before one can enter any country. The day before we departed from the U.S. my team had planned to get our rapid COVID–19 tests done at our local Urgent Care. However, we did not realize that there were two COVID–19 tests, and the results for the one that is required for proof cannot be obtained for between 2–4 days. When we arrived at the Ethiopian Airlines counter, we were told by the agent plainly that we could not board without the results of the PCR test, even though our rapid tests were negative.

After hearing the agent, we called Urgent Care, explained the situation, and asked if they could help expedite the processing of our tests so that we would not miss the flight. We were surprised to hear that the tests had not even been picked up yet for processing. Consequently, not only would we miss the flight, but it looked as if we would have to cancel the trip. After a few moments of panic (great man of faith that I am), I uttered a brief, desperate prayer under my breath: “Lord work this situation out. You are in control here.” I approached the agent again and explained the situation and showed him my negative rapid test and told him I had been vaccinated but we didn’t have the results for the PCR test yet. He then said, “I can accept you.”

In just a few moments, his entire demeanor had changed. Whereas previously he had been adamant we were not boarding the flight without the negative PCR test, now he approved our boarding. What caused the change in this agent? There is only one logical answer: God is in control.

This incident is only one of many logistical complications in planning this trip, but at every critical juncture the Lord has prepared the way letting us know it is His will for us to go to Malawi. Therefore, we are going with a newfound confidence that God is ordering our steps and that if God is for us, no one can be against us. The plane is boarding . . . God is in control . . . I’m off to Malawi!

~Chris McMillan (ITEM  COO)

Travel Diary Photos can be found by clicking here!

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