Dear Friends and Family,
I am resting comfortably in my room at the Biblica Conference Center and Guest House, my oasis when I am in the Nairobi area. The transition from the DRC to Kenya was seamless. May I say “Murphyless?” In fact, not only was it seamless but it had a nice twist of added comfort.
The passengers on the plane were packed into the last 5-8 rows and the front of the plane was almost empty. I am sure there was a reason. Maybe all of the back rows were discounted fares. So, I approached a flight attendant and showed them my Gold Elite Delta card and they put me in an exit row halfway up the plane where I was all by myself! Nice!
As you know, last night I talked to a small, educated group on the topic of Worldview and its importance. I explained that every worldview must answer questions about the origin of the universe and humans, what it means to be a human being, where do we find meaning for life, is morality objective or subjective, and what happens when we die. I explained that every person has a worldview, and their worldview has been conditioned and informed by any number of factors: culture, tradition, community, social media, or the Bible. And I explained how it happens that the majority form their worldviews by sources other than the Bible.
I also explained that a worldview is like a jigsaw puzzle with 1000 pieces. Each piece is like an individual moment in time within the culture and the only way you can make sense of that piece is putting the pieces together to see where that piece fits into the whole picture. If you throw the box top away that has the picture you are trying to create, constructing the picture is almost impossible. The picture on the box top is the picture of God’s story from Genesis to Revelation: Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration. Then I explained that if you truly understand the details of each of these “chapters” in God’s story, it will help you formulate an answer to all that is going on in the world.
During the Q&A time a man commented that he thought I was going to tell them how to answer questions people ask. Then I asked the group, “If someone asks you a question about pain and suffering, where do you look for the answer? (The Fall)” “If someone asks about why God is allowing the drought? (The Fall)” “If someone asks you about a definition for gender, family, sex, marriage, where do you look? (Creation)” “If someone asks how the world can be made a better place? (Redemption in Christ)” And so on.
Then a man came up to me and asked for suggestions about how to control what his child is seeing on their phone. I repeated what I’ve heard others I respect say, “try to limit their daily time and see if you can have a conversation (not a lecture, a conversation) about what they are learning and hearing from social media.
I asked them what social media is influencing the worldview of the younger generation here. Answer? TiKTok.
It was a good night.
Friday, we leave early for a 10am start 90 minutes up the road. I will have three sessions plus a Q&A. I will probably cover worldview, God’s Story, and How to Prepare Your Church and Families For the Potential LGBTQ Invasion into Kenya.
Pray for clarity of the presentation and for understanding in the minds of those in attendance.
CLICK HERE to see a few new pictures added today.
By His grace,