Pre-Travel Blog

Hello Everyone,


This Wednesday, July 19, I leave for Kenya, Rwanda (twice actually), and Nigeria. On Saturday, July 22, while still in Kenya, I will be conducting a follow up apologetics seminar for pastors and older youth. The goal is to encourage pastors to teach the sound doctrines of the Christian faith to their churches and then help them know how to answer tough questions they get. At the same time, I hope to help the youth get answers, and I am praying that God would raise up some who are truly serious about being trained to be campus apologists.


During my first stop in Rwanda, I will meet with the ITEM team, to hear how they are doing and to encourage them. I return to Rwanda several days later to conduct a one-and-one half day apologetics seminar. During the day, I will be speaking to one hundred campus leaders. In the one evening session, I am told that there will be between 1000 and 1500 older youth.


Between the two stops in Rwanda, I will be in Nigeria first meeting with our team in Abuja, then participating in a one-day apologetics seminar in Lagos.


These are all directed at the younger generation of leaders. I am extremely excited about these opportunities. Pray for the normal things, health and safety. Also, please pray, for the Spirit to speak through me and for Him to enable listeners to hear clearly and understand.


I will be sending pictures back and they will be here. Right now, there are maps of where I will be and when.


Thank you for praying.


By His grace,

Steve Van Horn

ITEM Founder/President