Trip Diary 1: It’s Time to Get Back to Africa

Dear ITEM Partner,

It has been almost a year since I have posted a report in the ITEM blog. I will be on my way to Kenya in a few days so the reports (we are now calling them “Trip Diaries”) will resume.

Things have changed. Yahoo cancelled their Groups and Group-emails all together and deleted all information and mailing lists, so we are trying to reconstruct this list from the ground up.

Because of Covid and the added rules for crossing borders in Africa, I will be in Kenya only. Between January 22 and February 6, when I am back home, I will be involved in three strategic meetings, a seminar, and meetings with our teams in Kenya and Uganda.

One meeting (tentatively February 4) will involve finding office space in Kenya that will make it possible for ITEM to be registered officially. A second will be seeing and dedicating ITEM’s first resources center (January February 1). Third, I hope to meet with a group of men who could be the start of an ITEM apologetics ministry in Kenya (tentative February 4).

The seminar will be ITEM’s Conference on Ministry and Preaching (January 26-28). The scheduled team meetings will be with the Kenya team, on January 30, and the coordinator from Uganda on February 2.

See below to see maps of the locations I’ll be and on what dates I will be there.

One last note. I had made the Mayfield Guest House (Nairobi, Kenya) my home away from home in Africa. I’ve spent close to 200 nights there starting in January 1998. The sad news is that Covid put them out of business. I will miss my friends there and having meals with missionaries from all over Africa. I will be staying at the Anglican Guest House for the first time on this trip.

Please pray for my health and safety.

By His grace,

11 thoughts on “Trip Diary 1: It’s Time to Get Back to Africa”

  1. That sounds great, the impact and transformation done by ITEM through the efforts and dedication of Dr. Steve are a great blessing. One big challange is getting resources center for the pastors and hearing of the resource and ITEM office will be more than a blessing. We pray for safe travels, good health and smooth transition in every days activities. Looking forward to what God will be doing through ITEM.

  2. We’ll be praying for safe travels!

    My family has fond memories of our trip visiting the Mayfield Guest House. Sorry to hear that they closed.

  3. Praying for a safe and fruitful trip, and that your efforts to establish an office in Nairobi are successful. Looking forward to following your travels!

  4. Darleen Armstrong

    Praying for a good night’s sleep now in the guest house that is new to you. May the Lord refresh you and help you overcome jet lag and be ready for His appointments in the days ahead.

    1. Actually the bed was rock hard and I didn’t sleep the best. But God’s grace is sufficient. When I return to Nairobi I will stay at a different place. Thanks for the prayers!

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