Worldview Matters
Dear ITEM Prayer Partner, if anyone flies enough, eventually you get bit by the cancellation or over-booked bug. Today, I got bit by the over-booked bug.
Dear ITEM Prayer Partner, if anyone flies enough, eventually you get bit by the cancellation or over-booked bug. Today, I got bit by the over-booked bug.
Dear ITEM Prayer Partner, if anyone flies enough, eventually you get bit by the cancellation or over-booked bug. Today, I got bit by the over-booked bug.
Dear ITEM Prayer Partner, if anyone flies enough, eventually you get bit by the cancellation or over-booked bug. Today, I got bit by the over-booked bug.
Traveling with Murphy Read More »
I have always wanted to visit Ethiopia. Of all African countries it seemed the most mysterious to me. Perhaps because of its ancient Christian tradition dating back to the fourth century, its churches carved out of rock, or because of the legends surrounding Ethiopia as the location of the Ark of the Covenant (sorry Indiana
As I write this post, I am sitting on an airplane enroute to Nairobi, Kenya, where we have a brief connection and then on to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia where we will be training a brand-new group of pastors. The last week in Zambia was very fruitful, but not without struggle. In my last post,
Down But Not Out in Zambia Read More »
Dear ITEM Prayer Partner, if anyone flies enough, eventually you get bit by the cancellation or over-booked bug. Today, I got bit by the over-booked bug.
Start of a New Trip Read More »
It happens to every missionary. There is no way around it. Take what precautions you will, and it is still going to happen. Some call it the “Delhi Belly,” others call it “Montezuma’s Revenge.” The medical community refers to it as Viral Gastroenteritis. Regular folk call it the stomach bug. I call it miserable.
The Battle of The Bugs Read More »
Rwanda is known as the land of a thousand hills. One visit here and you will understand why. Rolling verdant hills literally dot the landscape. Kigali is Rwanda’s capital and geographic center. For natural beauty, Rwanda is unmatched. In addition to the natural wonders of the land, the Rwandan government has done an incredible job
The Land of a Thousand Hills and Scars Read More »
My wife and I live by a simple proverb: “Blessed are the flexible for they are not easily broken.” Over the years we have learned the hard way to hold everything loosely. This commitment to flexibility has once again proved invaluable. For the past six months I have been planning a trip to the Democratic
Providence and Promise in Rwanda Read More »
When I was a teenager, the most popular show on television was the A-Team. The leader of this band of plucky former special forces misfits was Hannibal. In every episode, as the team helped rescue the underdog from the corrupt bigwig before they escaped the military police again, Hannibal, with a cigar hanging out of