Affirming Trip

Dear Family and Friends,


I am currently in the lounge in the Nairobi airport waiting for my midnight flight out of Kenya into Amsterdam and onto Portland. If all goes according to schedule, I will be touching down in Portland about noon Saturday. This will be my final post for this trip.


If you have been able to follow this trip, reading most/all my blogs, you will know this was a very fulfilling and affirming trip for me. Although there were a couple of disappointments (e.g., the large meeting in Rwanda was cancelled) there we enough high spots to let me know we are on track. But what really communicated that to me was the Whatsapp text I got from the coordinator of the seminar in Rwanda.


Here is the text I got from Emmy, the seminar coordinator. It speaks for itself.


Hello Steve,


Thank you so much for two days back. My heart rejoiced unspeakably seeing Rwandan young people benefiting from you. Thank you so much for responding to the call of God positively with wholeheartedness. I have received innumerable feedbacks from different people who confirm how much your sessions moved and have hanged their world views. I hope and pray that by God’s grace together we can form up a strong team of Rwanda Apologetics.


I am happy despite the disappointments, God has been so faithful and now I can sleep knowing that the seed that I strived for it to be planted is now growing and it will germinate to bear fruit of knowing Jesus fully and witness to his power, which is our hope of believing in him.


It was my pleasure to see and spend some days with you. I hope the Lord will graciously bless you with long life to keep on being a blessing to our young generation.


Journey mercies!


In Christ,



I will leave that testimony as the last word on this trip. I am so grateful to the Lord for calling me and equipping me for this ministry at this time.


I have put several new pictures in the photo album. Some were just sent to me from Nigeria and come from the seminar there last week.


CLICK HERE to see the new pictures.


By His grace,
