Who Would Have Thunk It?

Dear ITEM Partners,

I am safely in Lagos, Nigeria after another early flight from neighboring Abuja. I am here to participate in a strategy meeting tomorrow and an apologetics seminar on Saturday.



I was met by Ebenezer Afolabi, a young Nigerian man who has a passion for using apologetics to reach and protect the emerging generation. It is interesting how I met him. Early in my Christian life and while on the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ, I became a fan of Josh McDowell who wrote “More Than a Carpenter” and the original “Evidence that Demands a Verdict” and many other books. Now his son, Sean McDowell, is one of the leading apologists reaching out to the younger generations and has become one of my favorites to listen to.


I wrote to Sean months ago asking if he knew of any apologetics students who would consider becoming a missionary-apologist. He didn’t have any students in the US but told me to contact Ebenezer, which I did.


We have already been in communication with each other while he was setting up this seminar. We have already had conversations about me coming back and speaking on campus at a local university.



As I was taking a picture with him at the airport, I was reflecting on how dreamlike (I avoided using the word “weird”) this new ministry is.


I have given whatever of ministry I have left to working with youth (up through college), parents, pastors, anyone, to help rescue some in the emerging generation, at home and in Africa, from the cultural onslaught coming from the anti-god, anti-religion, anti-Christianity crowd that  is capturing many of our kids in these places.



As Ebenezer and I were taking the picture together (see in album), I was thinking, “Ebenezer is young enough to be my grandson, and Emmy, whom I was with in Rwanda, is the same. And Norman Paul whom I also met in Rwanda, is young enough to be my son.” So, here I am, a great-grandfather ministering along side of these “kids.” Man, oh, man! Who would have “thunk it” 5 years ago?


I am as excited and motivated about this new venture as I was when I originally launched ITEM in 2003.


Please pray for us, here. Ebenezer has been trying to gain traction for growing an apologetics ministry here in Lagos. Pray that these next two days will do just that.


The internet connection is slightly better at this hotel and I have been able to upload a few pics from yesterday and today. CLICK HERE to take a look.


By His grace,


CLICK HERE to see photos