Steve’s Travel Diary 1: Something to Think and Pray About

Dear Friends and Family,

Happy Saturday to you! I landed at the airport last night, Friday, at 10pm and made good time through immigration, customs, and to the guest house. And I slept pretty well. 

Today, Saturday, the main event was a meeting with Dr. Kevin Murrithi, (See picture album.) Do an internet search on his name…. he’s everywhere. I know him primarily as the head of Apologetics Kenya. I brought some apologetics books as a gift to his ministry and we talked awhile about doing apologetics in Africa.


Kevin is currently working with a youth ministry at a church here in Nairobi but this September he thinks he will be doing something else. He already lectures some at PAC (Pan Africa Christian University) where ITEM team member, Dr. Nathan Chiroma, serves as Dean of Theology. 

One of Kevin’s options is teaching at PAC. That got my mental wheels turning. Nathan has an agreement with PAC that he can do ITEM ministry almost anytime he wants as long as he (ITEM) pays for his substitute. Wouldn’t it be great to have Kevin doing the same thing for ITEM but in the area of apologetics? He and I talked about the possibility and he’s open to the idea. In the same way some of you have helped with Nathan’s expenses over the years, I might be asking that some of you consider supporting Kevin’s ministry with ITEM. But we are not there yet but it is fun to think about! 

Along the same lines. I would appreciate the Lord raising up someone in the US to step into the unofficial role that I am now filling…. establishing an apologetics ministry inside of ITEM primarily targeting the next generation.

After meeting with Kevin, he took me to YaYa Center, a local mall. I had lunch and bought a new lock for my luggage and walked back to Biblica.


Sunday I will go to church with Dr. Tim Kiruhi, the Vice Chancellor of Intl Leadership University, formerly Nairobi Intl School of Theology (where I got my start here in Africa in 1998). He represents the school that I am donating much of my library to. I have my third “load” with me and have donated close to 250 pounds of books so far and there are more to come. 

After church I’ll come back to the guest house and meet with Nathan. And that will be it for Sunday. Monday, I head to the airport early to start my trip to Busia, Uganda where I’ll meet Tuesday with ITEM teams from Kenya and Uganda.

Please pray:

…for Kevin as he contemplates his next ministry involvement.

…for my health and safety. So far so good.

…for divine appointments, that God would surprise me with an unexpected, strategic appointment and conversation.

Thanks for caring and praying.

By His grace,

Here is the link to the picture album with pictures from today, Saturday July 16, 2022.

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