Travel Diary 15: Impacting the World for Christ in the Next Generation

Dear ITEM Partners,

The power went off again this morning, here at the guest house and once again their generator did not kick in. So, I have been sitting in a warming room (without AC), with little to do (no Internet) waiting for it to come back on or be picked up to be taken to the airport. I am grateful that the power stayed on all night so the room stayed cool. The coordinator, Nok, was supposed to be here around 10am. Now after 12 noon. Since I do not have internet there is no way he can let me know what is going on. So, while I wait, I want to briefly reflect on what I saw this morning as I walked across the parking lot to the restaurant.  


I often call attention to the results of a recent study that concluded that in 2060, it is estimated that 42% of the world’s Christian population (those claiming Christianity as their religion) will live in Africa, south of the Sahara. And 6 of the 10 countries with the largest number of those claiming Christianity as their religion will be African countries. Nigeria will be number three. 

Preparing the next generation to take the gospel to the world

As I walked to the restaurant, the parking lot was occupied by primary aged kids starting their school day. But it was different. They were singing, from memory, Christian praise songs. And they were singing enthusiastically. The same was true yesterday and the day before. Yes, this is a school at the largest ECWA (denomination) in Nigeria. But it was encouraging.

Nigeria is becoming a major player in the Christian world. As I’ve shared, this is also the home of most of the false teaching in Africa. It is birthed here, then spreads. This is why our ministry, or any solid evangelical ministry is so strategic here.

Pray for them

If you think of the youth here in Nigeria, particularly those in schools like this one, pray for them. You may be praying for a young man or woman, who is only 8, 10, 12 years old right now whom God will raise up to be a major champion for the gospel in the generation to come.


As I’ve mentioned, I am scheduled to leave on an Air France redeye tonight at 10:50pm and will arrive in Paris 6 hrs later. After a 4 hour layover, I will board a Delta flight to Seattle, clear immigration there, hang around awhile, then take short flight to Portland. I’ll jump on the train and be met by my bride and two daughters at a station around 6pm Pacific time. This is all contingent on things being on time.

I’ll put a couple of pics of the kids in the picture album. One has them exercising, jumping around, right, then left.

Thanks for reading and caring and praying.

By His grace,

P.S. Added hours later. The power is still out…6 hrs now. Pastor Nok was late, very late. I had guest house staff call him. His wife’s brother died today and he’s been with the family. In Africa, mourning is a community affair and it goes on for days. Having to take care of me today is not his highest priority but he’s taking care of me nonetheless. Pray for his wife and family. He was a pastor and the family knows what his destiny was but the emotional pain is still real. 

1 thought on “Travel Diary 15: Impacting the World for Christ in the Next Generation”

  1. Stephen Adjetey Okan

    Thanks Dr Steve really you are an ambassador for the Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I wish you will continue to work for the Lord as you continue walking with him he will continue to bless you I hope Nigeria where you are now do accepted the good news but most of the teachings are dangerous false teaching are welcome anytime in Nigeria God bless you Dr Steve as he shower’s his blessings upon you you’re welcome

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