Trip Diary 16: At Peace with 2E

Dear ITEM Friends,

I had to write the one last note because it completes the circle. In one of my first posts, I commented on how difficult it was for me to find my way around the Paris airport. If you missed it, go back and check out the post with the title: 2E OR NOT 2E.

Today I am happy to announce that 2E and I are now at peace with one another.

First, a little research revealed that when I arrive at CDG (Paris) airport and have a connecting flight, follow the “Transfer” sign until you find the “hall” letter your departing gate is on. CHECK. I headed in the direction o my gate. Then I saw a sign for food and Starbucks.

Second, on my way to Starbucks to get coffee and a snack I saw the word “Lounge.” Of course, I can get into the lounge in Portland when I am leaving on an international flight, why not in Paris? Bingo! So, I went to the lounge for comfort and free food!

Then the grand prize.

Third, when I was nearing the end of my stay in the lounge (did I mention comfort and free food), I needed to visit the restroom and as I was entering, DOUBLE BINGO, the French word douche, being translated means SHOWER! So, in I went and about 30 minutes later I felt like a new man. I said felt not looked!

And one final point, as I left the lounge, my gate was seconds away! All of this took place in the formerly infamous Terminal 2E. We have been reconciled one to the other and the next time I will know to follow the “Transfer” signs, then find the lounge, and the shower!

I started this final report from Paris before boarding. I am finishing up in Atlanta while waiting for my flight.

Again, I want to thank all of you for coming along and for praying.

By His grace,

P.S. I have a question. Every person on every flight has to have a form stating they have been tested for Covid and been found to be negative. So, every passenger and every flight attendant are not infected with Covid. Then why the masks on flights? Curious minds want to know. Perhaps someone might have a “false negative” report?

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