Monday, January 28, 2019

Dear Prayer Partners,

Quick update before heading to the airport to fly to Rwanda to meet with guys from Rwanda and Burundi Tuesday morning. I met with a potential ministry partner then took a tour of Mayfield Guest House, my home in Africa.

I met this morning with Erick Waweru (forgot to get a picture) of Ekklesia Afrika. They reprint books with publisher’s approval for here in Kenya and make them available at discounted price. They focus on books that fit into the goal of helping churches become healthy. They use a mentoring strategy as we do. Theirs is a 4 year commitment and they take pastors through a book a month on relevant, church related topics. We discussed ways we can partner.


I mention Mayfield Guest House often in my reports. I decided with a slow day I’d take you on a tour. In the picture album you’ll see several pictures and these don’t show everything. Not shown are the nice showers,  beverage area, and snack area. There is also a gift shop with items made locally. And, of course, they offer free wifi.

This was my first lodging place in Africa in January of 1998. Over the past 21 years, I’ve probably spent close to 100 nights here. I will spend four nights on this trip alone. And I make three trips a year. I use Mayfield as my resting place when I am in transit from one country to another.

I should be in Rwanda at 9am Pacific on Monday. I’ll be there less than 24 hours and will return to Kenya for a night. Yes, at Mayfield.


I will meet with reps from our Burundi and Rwanda teams. We will talk about the future, the absolute necessity that we begin mentoring before we do more seminars. We will also talk about our new record keeping system. It will be a relatively short meeting.

We will also be announcing to the Rwanda team that their coordinator, Mezack, has stepped down because of health reasons. Dominique will be appointed as the new coordinator.


In the picture album you will see a picture of me holding a white handkerchief a woman in Ghana handed me with no explanation and walked off. It was at the end of the week. I wasn’t sweating nor blowing my nose. Was it a healing cloth like one we read about in the NT? Don’t know.

That’s it for today.


  • For the meeting in Rwanda, that the men there will understand what needs to happen next.
  • For Mezack as he is being tested for prostrate cancer in the US.
  • For my wife, Brenda, who is still trying to recover from a severe case of the flu and shingles. She is with a sister in law in California and has a ticket to fly home Wednesday. We hope she’ll be up to it.
  • For my strength and stamina as I hit the road with little “down time” left before heading for home next Monday.


By His grace,


Go to the picture album to get a tour of Mayfield and catch a glimpse of the mysterious handkerchief.

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