Dear ITEM Prayer Partners,

I am in Nairobi, Kenya at my home away from home, Mayfield Guest House (see the pic in the album). Tomorrow (Monday) I head to Nigeria and start a seminar on Tuesday, Lord willing.

The move from Liberia to Kenya was a little stressful, to say the least.


I told Michael, Liberian Coordinator, I wanted to leave for the airport at 2pm so I could be there by 3, leaving a lot of time before my 5:45pm flight to Nairobi via Accra, Ghana. He thought that was quite early but I told him I like a lot of extra time just in case something happens along the way. Those words proved to be prophetic.


At 2:20pm Michael had not showed. I had my host at the guest house call. Michael said he was finishing up “some little work” and he’d be there. At 2:40 he showed up at the gate and the car was there shortly thereafter.

The host at the guest house said it was 45 minutes to the airport on a good day. It was not a good day! It took us just under 90 minutes. Arrived at 4:15, one hour before i expected to board.


Check in, including passing through luggage inspection and immigration, went well enough and they invited me into the first class lounge, a privilege for frequent flyers. It was about 4:45 then, 30 minutes until I expected to board the plane.

At 4:50ish, the announcement was made, “Kenya flight is boarding!” The flight departed THIRTY MINUTES EARLY; 5:15 not 5:45.

It is a good thing I didn’t know that was their plan while we were on the road in traffic! My stress level would have been quite elevated.


After a 90 minutes stopover in Ghana we headed to Nairobi and arrived about 5:30AM. Well, when I hurriedly gathered my things back in Liberia when boarding, it dawned on me that I left my jacket on the taxi in the parking lot in Liberia.

My ride in Nairobi was late so I got to stand in the cold, damp, breezy air in Nairobi for about 30 minutes with just a pocketed T-shirt covering my torso. BURRR!


At times like this I remind myself that although this was an unpleasant trip on several fronts, it was not as harrowing as some we’ve heard about!


Pray for tomorrow’s trip – no delays, transportation on time.

Pray for the men I just met with in Liberia, that they will continue to be excited and motivated.

Pray for the seminar ahead. Lagos, Nigeria is a “major hub” for false teaching in Africa. It might be THE main hub. I think it is, myself. Pray those in attendance will give themselves to being agents of truth and change.

Pray for my health. The heat and humidity, coupled with the AC in my room brought on a sore throat, which can lead to a loss of my voice. Pray it doesn’t

Pray also for what is becoming an ongoing issue. More often than not, when I am I am in a plane at altitude, i develop sinus issues on one side of my head that leads to days of a watery left eye an runny nose. I take antihistamine as we take off, which helps some, I think.

Thanks for coming along and for praying. If you have any questions, write to me at

By His grace,


CLICK HERE FOR NEW PICS Some were actually taken last year when I was in Liberia but are worth seeing again, I think.



  1. Steve,
    As always your report is very welcome so I can understand your prayer requests for each and ever trip.
    Will be praying for you to remain healthy and in good health and spirits to minister to those in need.
    I know the Lord will bless and provide for you in special ways.
    Your Christian Brother,

    Ron Bernnath

  2. lee and joan slaughter

    Praying for you Steve!! Especially in the darkness of Lagos and the false gospel that captivate the people there – Let the light of true salvation in Christ go out to them – thank you for going-Joan & Lee Slaughter

    1. Thanks Lee and Joan, I will be mentioning today that I feel a little deeper sense of urgency when I am here. Thanks for praying and caring!

      Love you both,

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