Hi Everyone,
This trip has crept up on me quickly. I leave tomorrow, April 10, for a three nation trip. My first stop is Liberia where I’ll meet the newly formed ITEM team there and take them through ITEM’s strategy, Core Values, Doctrinal statement, and Philosophy of Ministry.
From there, I’ll transit through Kenya on to Lagos, Nigeria where I was last summer. I will be involved in the second of two seminars there; the ITEM Conference on Ministry and Preaching. Joel Yaji, ITEM Coordinator (Nigeria) will be assisting me. This is the final seminar for these pastors. The next step for them will be ITEM mentoring, helping them to become examples, equippers, and Bible expositors. I also expect to have a strategic meeting with Dr. Gary Maxey, a long time resident of Nigeria, and staff/faculty of a seminary in Lagos. I have been told that the Provost of the school will be there also. We’ll be discussing ministry in Nigeria, among other things.
After that I will head back to Kenya for this same seminar (ICOMP) in Nairobi. We had the first seminar there last summer. In this case, Dr. Nathan Chiroma, a special assistant of mine, will participate with me. After that I head to Mombasa, Kenya, to meet with the head of the So Baptists in Kenya. We will discuss the possibilities of working together to train their pastors.
I expect to be home May 1.
As always there will be picture album. Here is the link. Maps are up now showing the itinerary.
Please begin to pray for safe flights with no major glitches along the way; for health, and needed rest, comfortable beds, ability to sleep on the planes, clear communication of each lecture, open minds and hearts, and a desire for each pastor in attendance to desire to be mentored in order to become an example, an equipper and a Bible expositor.
By His grace,