In an E-4 Church (Ephesians 4:11-16), the pastor is equipping the saints to do ministry (vv. 11-12). Saints are doing the ministry (v. 12). The church is growing numerically/spiritually (v. 12). There is a growing understanding (unity) of the Christian faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God. The body is being brought to maturity (v. 13). And the members are growing in discernment and are, therefore, no longer easy victims of false teachers promoting a false gospel for personal gain (v. 14).
In an E-4 Church (Ephesians 4:11-16), the pastor is equipping the saints to do ministry (vv. 11-12). Saints are doing the ministry (v. 12). The church is growing numerically/spiritually (v. 12). There is a growing understanding (unity) of the Christian faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God. The body is being brought to maturity (v. 13). And the members are growing in discernment and are, therefore, no longer easy victims of false teachers promoting a false gospel for personal gain (v. 14).