Dear Friends and Family, My day didn’t start well. I went to breakfast feeling fine, ate come cereal, was […]
Dear ITEM Next Gen Partners, Today was mainly a travel day as will be tomorrow. I caught an afternoon
Hi Everyone, I am settling in for the night in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Many of you have probably heard of
Dear ITEM/Next Gen Friends, I am in Nairobi, Kenya enjoying my only full off day until I get home.
Dear Friends and Family, Wednesday, August 7, I will leave on a very aggressive, eighteen-day trip. I will transit through
Hi Everyone, I am in the lounge at the Lagos, Nigeria airport waiting to board in about 90 minutes. First,
Dear ITEM Next Gen Ministry Partners, For years I have been preparing for the ministry of apologetics I am now
Hi Everyone, At this point of my life and ministry, there is nothing more invigorating to me than standing in
Dear Friends and Family, I want to use today’s off day report to catch up. I arrive in Nigeria Tuesday
Dear ITEM Next Gen Ministry Prayer Partners, Right now it is 8:30am PDT on Wednesday (4:30pm Lagos, Nigeria). I’ve been