
Dear Friends and Family,

ITEM’s Next Gen Ministry moved onto Zimbabwe today, Tuesday. It was another amazingly smooth day from Guest House to airport to the gate to the on-time flight and arrival! PTL!

I met Jeffrey Mwanyenya in Madagascar last year. He has an organization called Africa Connection and has an evangelism network (contacts) all over southern region of Africa. When I told him what I was doing with apologetics he immediately asked me to come to Zimbabwe and lead an apologetics seminar for leader-types from around southern Africa. The ITEM board agreed and here we are.

Sitting around the dinner table tonight were men and one woman who are in various church related ministries and just about everyone around the table, after introducing themselves, admitted that they knew little or nothing about apologetics. That gives you an idea of what might come out of this seminar.

Joining me are a couple of men from Apologetics on Mission (Oregon City, OR) and Apologetics Uganda (a couple of men trained by AoM.

This will be a quick one and one half day seminar. I start off tomorrow with an Intro to Apologetics, then Worldview. Then one of the men from AoM will speak on the Apologetics of Jesus. Then I do God’s Story (metanarrative). Then Jemba from Apologetics Uganda will cover the Problem of Evil With breaks, that ends Wednesday. Thursday, Moses from Apologetics Uganda covers the Reliability of Scripture.. Then I follow with Human Sexuality (covering all the LGBTQ madness and God’s design for human sexuality). Ben, from AoM does Science and Christianity. That takes us to lunch Thursday at which time I head back to the airport and back to Nairobi for a final seminar on Friday.

Ben and Doug will stick around to talk about their individual ministry (AoM), their goals, etc.

That is what is ahead. Tuesday starts early (for me). I have to be there at 8 and I’m staying 20plus minutes away at that time in the morning. So, it’s up at 6:30, bkfst at 7, leave at 7:30am. Back to my room about 8.

Please pray for these two days.

  • That we would give a clear presentation of the what and why of apologetics.

  • That a vision will be created from bringing apologetics to the southern region of Africa.

  • That God would open doors for the Next Gen Ministry if there is fruitful ministry to be done here.

  • For continues health and proper rest.


Here again is the LINK to the picture album. A few new ones added from today.

By His grace,


Or here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Yq7zu6nr4dEVuF6e6

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